Why Is This Still Affecting Me?: Reemergence Of Past Memories
What is a Reemergence of Past Memories?
When flashbacks, dreams, and thoughts of past memories continue to come up for you this is usually your mind and body’s’ way of informing you that it may be time to deal with things you have suppressed for a while now.
When someone experiences trauma(s) there may be repressed thoughts and emotions due to the difficulties experienced. Some people may experience what is termed as dissociations due to the traumatic event(s). This makes it unsafe for most people to appropriately process and heal from past traumas for a few months or even a few years afterwards.
The rule of thumb is:
If it keeps coming up for you and you can’t understand why then there’s a reason to explore that. First, it is wise to begin counseling with a licensed therapist that specializes in the area of trauma therapy.
Second, writing down some of the memories and how they are coming up for you will be important. So asking yourself “how often and what time of the day does this usually come up for me?” “how do I feel emotionally after this memory comes up?” will be helpful questions to ask besides “why?”.
So, Let’s Answer This Question: Why Does This Happen?
The simple answer is: our bodies continue to remember what our minds may forget. Our bodies have a way of holding onto the traumas. Hence, why you may find yourself flinching over something that wouldn’t startle most people, or being labeled as “overreacting” to something you perceived as a threat. These are just some examples and not the same for everyone. Take a moment and think about examples from your personal life and if they may relate to this.
Repressed memories only reemerge when your mind and body know you are in a safe place in your life. For instance, you may have worked your whole life to create a life full of peace due to your past tumultuous and traumatic experiences as a child. However, despite creating an atmosphere of peace guess what happens?……
All of these repressed memories, thoughts, emotions, triggers, and dreams (or nightmares) start coming up. You are like: “huh?" “this doesn’t make any sense NOTHING IS WRONG RIGHT NOW”…. Yes, that’s the point. You’re safe. Which means your body and mind are ready to have those past memories that you’ve suppressed be heard, processed, and healed.
What To Do When This Happens?
Work with a licensed mental health therapist to help you process through this in a healthy and supportive manner. Make sure to find someone who specializes in this area.
Find ways to express yourself: start journaling, meditation, mindfulness, artistically or musical expression.
Give yourself grace. Do not add more pressure onto yourself. Remember that this is a journey that may be difficult but the freedom that is felt when you finally process and heal your past traumas is even better.
Online Trauma Therapy in Florida Can Offer Support
You don’t have to struggle with the effects of traumatic memories. Trauma can impact many different areas of your life. You can receive support to:
Improve work
Improve your relationships with others
Sleep better
Increased anxiety or depression
Online trauma therapy can help you can work through these concerns and much more. So, find a trauma therapist in your area, or online! So many online therapists are working through telehealth now. But, make sure that you feel comfortable with the therapist. This will help you feel more comfortable when revisiting past traumatic memories. A trauma therapist can help you overcome issues that continue to impact you even today.
If you are in search of a trauma therapist, you can contact our office at any time to begin online trauma therapy.
Begin Working with a Trauma Therapist in Orlando, FL Today
You don’t have to struggle with the memories of past trauma. A caring online therapist can help you process the past so you can live a brighter future. Our team is happy to offer support from our Orlando, FL-based counseling practice. Ready to start your therapy journey?