Relationship Check-Ins: Important Questions to Ask Your Partner
Important Questions to Ask Your Partner
The new year is a great time to reset and refresh our relationship with our partners. Asking important questions over dinner at home or during a walk on the beach is a great way to get the conversation started. For ideas on some questions to ask, keep reading.
3 questions to help reflect on the past year
What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
2 questions for this current year
What is one thing that you’d like to see us accomplish as a couple this year?
This can include increased intimacy, time spent together, getaway trips, learning effective ways to communicate and listen to your partner. Keep in mind that if you both lack in the area you are trying to accomplish, that is a good sign that you would benefit from expert help.
For example, if you both would like to learn how to divide the cooking responsibilities between you and your partner but you don’t know how to cook, enrolling in a few basic cooking classes may be helpful. Or if you’d both like to learn how to “fight fair” and communicate effectively then a few sessions with a relationship therapist that specializes in this area will be helpful.
2. What is something that you love and appreciate about me?
Sometimes within relationships partners can become complacent and not as forthcoming with compliments. So sharing things that you love and appreciate about your partner (not what they do for you, but something that you love about who they are such as their personality) is important. It helps your partner know what qualities they possess that you love and it helps you practice verbal affirmations with your partner. Just because you know something good about yourself, doesn’t mean you wouldn’t like your partner to point out that good quality every once in a while. Therefore the whole “my partner should know this already I shouldn’t have to tell them all the time” thinking is not going to cut it.
Goals for the new year as a couple
Focusing on areas such as emotional, personal, finances, health, love, family, friendships will be important during this time. Here are a few goals to get you started:
Spending more time together
intentionally listening more instead of trying to prove a point
finding a healthy balance between time together, time apart, time with friends, and time with family
internal work as individuals before working as a collective (this may require your own personal therapy sessions with a licensed therapist).
Saying “I love you” more often
Finding out each others love languages and making an intentional effort to practice the love language the best meets your partners needs. For instance, if your partner enjoys receving gifts, you would practice giving smaller gifts such as “i’m just thinking of you gifts”. Or if your partner enjoys quality time spent together then spending a Sunday together may be very fulfilling for them.
Remember to use this as a productive time to connect with your partner not as an accusatory or argumentative piece. You want this to be fun and a chance to learn something new about your partner. We all change as individuals throughout the years so don’t expect your spouse to be the same exact person they were when you met them. And thank goodness for positive changes!
If you and your partner need support in this area and are in need of a relationship therapist then click the button below to learn more about our couples therapy services at Exhale Counseling Center, LLC.
Begin Online Couples Therapy in Orlando, FL
It’s normal for couples to experience tough seasons in their relationships, but if you are seeing that the problems are bigger than you and your partner are equipped to handle, a relationship therapist that specialized in effective communication, listening and problem solving can work with you both to achieve your goals. You can build a connection with a caring therapist from our online counseling platform that is based out of Orlando, Florida.
Begin Online Couples Therapy in Florida
You don’t have to deal with this on your own. Our caring therapists would be happy to support you from our Orlando, FL-based counseling practice providing online therapy sessions.
Online Couples Therapy in Florida Can Offer Support
You don’t have to struggle with the effects of negative relationship patterns. Relationship distress can impact many different areas of you and your partner/spouses life. You can receive support to:
Decrease repetetive arguments
Improve your relationship with each other
Increase intimacy
learn effective listening and communication skills
learn how to work together to resolve problems that arise
Online couples therapy can help you work through these concerns and much more. So, find a couples therapist in your area, or online! So many online therapists are working through telehealth now. But, make sure that you feel comfortable with the therapist. This will help you feel more comfortable while working through your current stressors. A couples therapist can help you overcome issues that continue to impact your relationship.
If you are in search of a couples therapist, you can contact our office at any time to begin online couples therapy.
Begin Working with a Couples Therapist in Orlando, FL Today
Start working on improving your relationship today. A caring online therapist can help you and your partner/spouse work through your relationship distress and help you feel more connected and less distracted by the external noise of life. Our team is happy to offer support from our Orlando, FL-based counseling practice. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
Email us at:, call: 407-720-5976, -OR- click here to schedule your first session.
Complete the paperwork
Attend your first session with Dr. Vanessa Milagros, PhD, LMHC.